Wholesale Buxus nursery located in Dural, Sydney selling direct to the public and trade.

Specialising in Japanese Buxus and also stock a wide range of other hedges, flowering plants and trees. Other varieties include Korean buxus, Murraya, Photinia, Viburnum, Gardenia, Lillypilly, Liriope, Jasmine, Natives, Nandina, Duranta, Cycad, Succulents, Roses, Cordyline and more.

How to maintain Japanese Buxus?

Plant in full sun or part shade in moist, well-drained soil. Buxus responds well to regular, light pruning to keep dense and in desired shape. Use an organic, slow-release fertiliser twice a year and a liquid fertiliser every two months.

Why Japanese Buxus?

Japanese box (Buxus microphylla var. japonica) is a traditional favourite for creating formal evergreen hedges. Sporting a compact, dense form, and glossy green foliage, it's also ideal for topiary. This hardy and attractive plant lends a wonderful structural element to your garden, limited only by your imagination.

Our Products

We sell many varieties of hedging plants, for example Buxus, Murraya, Gardenia, Photinia and Viburnum. Most hedging plants are suitable for a range of climates and are very adaptable to different conditions.


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Opening Hours : 

Monday - Saturday: Appointment Only

Phone: 0405 328 122